This is the list of wishes from Rene Reifarth and Aaron Couture: 59Fe 60Fe 60Co 64Cu 71Ge 76As 77As 90Sr 90Y 91Y 96Nb 106Ru 105Rh 109Pd 111Ag 109Cd 123Sn 126Sb 127Sb 127Te 130I 131I 136Cs 137Cs 140La 143Ce 156Eu 159Gd 157Tb 158Tb 161Tb 159Dy 166Ho 172Tm 177Lu 183Ta 187W 188Re 189Re 193Os 194Os 194Ir 197Pt 195Au 196Au 199Au 108mAg 110mAg 121mSn 127mTe 129mTe 131mTe 131mXe 133mXe 166mHo 177mLu 186mRe 192mIr 193mIr 194mIr 210mBi ...and here are the isotopes Marco Pignatari would like to have: 17O 32P 33P 35S 37Ar 47Ca 46Sc 47Sc 48Sc 69Zn 70Ga 75Ge 75Se 81Se 80Br 82Br 85Sr 93Mo 96Tc 97Tc 98Tc 97Ru 105Ru 104Rh 103Pd 108Ag 107Cd