ATHENA is short for "Advanced THeory and Experiments in Nuclear Astrophysics" and is a networking activity within ENSAR (European Nuclear Science and Applications Research) that is funded within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission under the specific programme "Capacities". Partners from 40 institutions in 15 European countries are contributing to the aim of stimulating, collecting, and streamlining the European research in theoretical and experimental nuclear astrophysics.
The main goals of ATHENA are to consolidate the efforts on a steady improvement of the relevant nuclear physics input by the combined expertise of experimentalists and theoreticians, to enhance the synergetic effects and to allocate an environment of mutual stimulation. The aim of this ATHENA final workshop is to summarize the activities of ATHENA within the past years, to discuss about the outcome in the different tasks, and develop schemes for further funding applications on a European scale.
We are looking forward to meeting you at Lake Como in
Kerstin Sonnabend on behalf of the Scientific Committee